The Adventures of Cedrick Chan

These are the chronicles of my East/West adventures. I'm currently based in Hong Kong, China and San Jose, CA, USA.

Monday, October 31, 2005

HK Halloween & Sulu is Gay?!?

It's my first Halloween in HK! I went to two Halloween parties this weekend with the same costume. I rented a hat, bought a mask and wore black; tada! Instant Kato, butt-kicking partner of the Green Hornet! Interestingly enough, most people had no idea who I was. I'd say everyone knows who Bruce Lee was, but only a very small group knew I was Bruce Lee as Kato. Oh well, at least one really cool woman knew who I was. Her name was Alethia (very cool name for a very cool local journalist) and she practically screamed "Kato!" when she saw me in my costume. That's good in enough for me. :D

The first party was an industry networking event, to which my guest and I arrived late to. We still met some interesting folk from Eurosports, Celestial Pictures, InvestHK and a mobile video startup. The next night the party was at a place called Red at IFC1. That's where I bumped into "roller girl" (see pic on left) who also happened to be at the industry party the previous night. We didn't bump into each other until the second party, but it kind of illustrates how small HK can be.

Roller Girl's actual name is Kelly and she grew up in Vancouver. She does marketing for CNN World here in HK. We're planning to do a power lunch this week to
discuss the media, marketing and who knows what else. So I'm still quite happy meeting cool media and marketing people here in HK!

Just before I went to that first party on Friday, I found out that George "Mr. Sulu" Takei came out! No freakin' way!
Not that there's anything wrong with being gay, but he was one of the few positive Asian American male media figures I had growing up. Now it turns out the Asian male stereotype that we're effeminate is only reinforced by the swashbuckling helmsman and later starship Captain Sulu. I know it's wrong, but that kinda peeved me off! Maybe I should just accept that Asian men *are* effeminate. I don't see many manly men here in HK. They're mostly very thin and don't look very masculine at all. Maybe I should just accept my lot in life... But no. I decided to take a picture of how I felt and here it is: I am a heterosexual, masculine Asian male! Here me roar!!!!

Well at least Bruce Lee is still a manly, man and ass kicker!


Blogger Unknown said...

Actually, sticking your hand up into another person of the same sex's butt isn't a great way to prove your heterosexuality...


10:27 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


9:47 PM  

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