Oh My Lady Gaga!

OK, so the first topic I've been itching to write about is the phrase that has swept China, "Oh My Lady Gaga!" At least this phrase seems to be all the rage in Shanghai. I've used it a few times in Beijing and it seems to have less affect or recognition. So when and how do you use this phrase?
First of all, it's actually said in English. There's no Chinese version as far as I know. It's used in exasperation or reaction to something that is outrageous or silly (Gaga-licious!). It's kind of replacement for 我的天, or the Chinese equivalent of OMG!
So Her Gaga-ness has not only arrived in China (non-stop and repeatedly in all the damn expat nightclubs) but she's made her way into mainland vernacular as well!
Birthday post over: Now if I have time, I hope my next blog entry can be about a prominent director's comments about the state of beautiful women in China!