The Adventures of Cedrick Chan

These are the chronicles of my East/West adventures. I'm currently based in Hong Kong, China and San Jose, CA, USA.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Look! I'm directing!

Today marked the first day of directing my first film. It's a short film that is really a vehicle to research and push some techniques and technology, but nontheless it is a film that I wrote, am directing, art directing and VFX supervising as well.

Looking back at the day through pictures one of my students took; I realize that it was a blast! We had so many people (students, friends, friends-of-friends, etc.) who volunteered. There were also univserity pros with decades of experience. Overall, it was an amazingly positive and supportive environment.

As expected in HK, we packed as much as we could into our studio time and accomplished far more than we set out to do. As the crew set up, I met with the director, producer, and cameraman of another film I'm VFX supervising which we just signed onto. My coworker Pierre also shot us working for a reel we're putting together for a venture MERECL is helping to launch. I originally set out to shoot 7 shots with 1 actor and instead ended up shooting 12 shots with 2 actors! If the footage turns out well, it was not a bad first day.

I can't help but feel a little giddy about the day I just had! Posted by Picasa


Blogger Slade said...

Yo Cedrick!

John from Cyberjaya here.

Hope you enjoyed yourself here! And the Mei Mei(s)...

Jacqueline (the 1 u liked)
Amy (the 1 i liked)

n the couple of them at Beach Club!

Look forward to meet you again dude!

3:36 PM  

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